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DO you understand your CREDIT SCORE?  Take a 14 minute  listen to Epic Family SNSD Julia Burnett on  CREDIT and how to best consider stocking YOUR business!  

Do you KNOW your credit score?  Once on this tab, click “recommendations”; you may get  an immediate  and separate credit line for your inventory today!  If you apply within 24 hours of checking, there is no ‘record’ of applying on your credit score!

ORDER your PERSONAL USE products over and above your ‘inventory’ decision! You will sell what you use and love!! 

Regardless how you start your business, we want to build a professional ‘on shelf’ inventory!  Take a look at the custom necklace our Epic Family celebrates at ‘profit’!  If your first order is 3600 w/s, you get it automatically;  if not, you can build to $5k and earn it!  Let’s set the goal for YOUR business success!


When you pay down your investment 100% and have min. $5k wholesale classic line on shelf, you will earn the custom layering necklace to represent your Elite EPIC ENTREPRENEUR status!  I’m interested in you MAKING money, building a solid business!  Starting decisions will launch results!


UNPACK your STARTER KIT!  When your STARTER kit arrives, open it up in GRAND style!  FB live or pictures to document and share!


Here’s a great video on how to unpack your kit by Cindy Machado Flippen from the SHAW AREA

FIRST GOAL to hit!  The 3 P’s! Product decision, Power Start (first parties) and Pearls (first Team Member)


PEARLS:  Think of 5 awesome women you’d love to have watch this video– either to be a team member or a talent scout for you!  Who comes to mind?